Premium Game Servers


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New to the Game?

We're here to help. Our friendly admins and community members are always looking forward to meeting new people, and helping players through the learning curves. We also only host games that we've played a lot ourselves, to ensure that you can always come to an admin for help.

Active Staff

We're here solely to create a friendly, fun, engaging, community-oriented place for YOU to come to. We're fortunate to have many experienced, friendly and skilled admins in our staff lineup. We're here with one goal in mind: Make HOX a better place for our players to play, each and every time we log in.


We run great servers, however, server issues are inevitable. Since we host so many real-time games, and games that require important server-side save information, we've opted to use off-site servers for storing backups of our game data.

HOX Network

We're not just a game community. We also host a studio division and a small dev team which produces game mods, media, server/website hosting, and more. Check out our links above to learn more!

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Community team

A Goblin

HOX Owner


HOX Owner


HOX Owner


Rust PVE Admin


Rust PVE Admin


Rust PVE Admin